On Saturday 24th July we are proud to take part in the Reclaim Pride March. (Please take care to wear your masks and maintain physical distancing). Details can be found here https://www.petertatchellfoundation.org/reclaim-pride-london-march-24-july-1pm-parliament-square/?fbclid=IwAR3ozYDPjjvpwgug_3CkBo1s-_tEAni8kUf7yCPEbEYdv81Q_4Jya_JUlsQ
On the Sunday, we will have our own Pride Picnic on Clapham Common – Meeting on Windmill Drive, nearest tube station is Clapham South. Bring any food, non-alcoholic drinks and games you like. We will have our rainbow flags and church banner flying so you can find us!