MCCNL invites you to join us for London Pride 2024,

Saturday 29th June


This year again we will be taking the opportunity to celebrate our freedom to be fully both people of faith and LGBTQI people – and to let those who don’t already know it see that,  yes, it IS possible to be LGBT and Christian. MCCNL will be at the side of the march with our banners this year, alongside Hinde Street Methodist church, on Picadilly opposite White Horse Street

Christians at Pride is a collaboration between many LBGTQI Christian groups and churches, who march together and organise joint events.


As events are planned and published, they will be posted up on this page: watch this space.

Saturday 29th  June – Pride March

Saturday 29th June 7pm – Ecumenical Pride Service

This year the joint Pride Service  will be held at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, and the guest speaker will be Rev Elder Cecilia Eggleston, Moderator of UFMCC (the Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches).


We will need able-bodied volunteers to help us carry things on the Saturday – driving and parking being well-nigh impossible anywhere around the parade route. To help with carrying banners etc for the march, please speak to Deacon Jim, and to assist with setting up for the service, contact Rev Peta.


We continue to celebrate Pride month in our Sunday services all through July, as we explore and express our faith in a God of truly inclusive Love, with a gospel that is good news for the full and wonderful diversity of God’s creation the world over. Come and join us in worship and community.


As in previous years we will be joining House of Rainbow and others at the Interfaith stall at UK Black Pride in Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, on Sunday 11th August. Throughout the day we will be offering prayer, blessings, and conversation alongside our siblings of many faiths. Our Sunday evening service that day will be held at the park, there will be no service at Bloomsbury

(Watch this space)

Pictures from previous Pride marches:

Christians Together at Pride 2023 with marching choir
Clergy Intern Neil Jones, 2011, leading the singing of ‘Yes, Jesus Loves Me’.
Flag Banners at the march 2019 – ‘Thank God for lesbians and Gay men’
Rev Shanon Ferguson and Franka talking to the media, 2011