MCC North London is your Community church and would love to hear from you.

Please be aware that the Pastor is part-time, and the team are all volunteers with other work, so you may not hear back immediately – we will do our best to respond as soon as someone is available.

If you have a pastoral care need, and need prayer or someone to talk to, please call the pastoral phone 07423635190 to talk to one of the deacons, clergy or pastoral team.

For general requests for information about MCCNL or to discover more, please email

Alternatively, you may contact us via post by writing to the following address:

MCC North London
Unit 102,
Brighton Eco Centre, 
Brighton, BN1 3PB

Church Ordinances: if you have any questions about or would like to arrange a marriage, blessing of a civil partnership, adult baptism / child dedication / christening, request a hospital / prison visit or arrange a funeral, please contact the senior pastor at

If you have a safeguarding concern, please use the following email address – this will be checked by a member of the safeguarding team weekly: