Upcoming Events: 20th April
Greetings all, I pray that God is blessing you with good health and with a safe home. I know that these things are not in as good supply as they were previously, but I also know that for some us, … Continued
Greetings all, I pray that God is blessing you with good health and with a safe home. I know that these things are not in as good supply as they were previously, but I also know that for some us, … Continued
My beloved MCC Family: I am thinking of you all today – as I think and pray for you every day, but today is particularly stressful and difficult for many of us. Please know that you are not forgotten, and … Continued
Sadly, the time has come even sooner than we thought, We will not be holding physical church services until we are told we can resume. But, we will be meeting, just in the online world. Online service will begin this … Continued
We are planning to continue our Sunday evening 7pm worship service for the time being, and we will inform you at once if things change. Other events such as the Thursday Last Supper Meal and the Good Friday Stations of … Continued
We’ve got a lot going on, as usual, this Easter. Last Supper meal, Stations of the Cross, overnight vigil and people coming in to membership and being baptised on Easter Sunday! Check out our Events page for times and details. … Continued
For anyone who is interested in being involved with the Sunday services as a reader, acolyte, collection steward or prayer station, we have a training session this sunday 13th March at 4pm.
Well, it’s mid-February, and the Shelter is in full swing now. Thank you to everyone who turns up to give their time, love and energy on a Monday night or early on Tuesday morning – especially all those who have … Continued